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Leung, C.C., Yu, I.T. and Chen, W, “Silicosis,” The Lancet, 379(9830). 2008-2018, May. 2012.

has been cited by the following article:


A Case of Non-Occupational Silicosis from 3-Year Surveillance at Stone Crushing Factories Neighboring Communities in Surin Province, Thailand

1Department of Occupational Medicine, Surin Hospital, Surin, Thailand

American Journal of Public Health Research. 2018, Vol. 6 No. 2, 57-61
DOI: 10.12691/ajphr-6-2-6
Copyright © 2018 Science and Education Publishing

Cite this paper:
Sarawan Porgpermdee, Fareeda Potchanakaew, Saowalak Chaiyo. A Case of Non-Occupational Silicosis from 3-Year Surveillance at Stone Crushing Factories Neighboring Communities in Surin Province, Thailand. American Journal of Public Health Research. 2018; 6(2):57-61. doi: 10.12691/ajphr-6-2-6.

Correspondence to: Sarawan  Porgpermdee, Department of Occupational Medicine, Surin Hospital, Surin, Thailand. Email:


This study is descriptive research. The objective of the study was to monitor silicosis and follow upon subjects in neighboring communities of a stone crushing factory in Mueang District, Surin Province, Thailand for three years. The study applied chest x-ray examination and reports by ILO classification for pneumoconioses. Also, the environmental inspection was performed through air monitoring sampling on 24-hour basis by Air Metrics/Model: TAS 5.0 S/N 5547 between 2014-2016. Subjects of this study were 10-years old and older, residing within 5-kilometer radius around the factory, and along the road that was used by gravel trucks from the factory. The total subjects were voluntary 1,602 persons with consenting to the chest radiographing. The results of air monitoring sampling during 2014-Year 2016 are 0.049, 0.035 and 0.032 average of PM10, respectively. TSP results were 0.014, 0.074 and 0.078 respectively and did not exceed standards limit.The health surveillance findings of voluntary subjects were from 1,602 persons, at 61.15 % out of population at potential risk affected by stone dust on 2,620 persons. The results of chest radiograph by ILO classification pneumoconioses revealed that 13 cases (0.81%) were Categories 1 (profusion 1/0, 1/1, 1/2), 2 cases (0.12%) were Categories 2 (profusion 2/1, 2/2, 2/3) respectively. The results from 3-year surveillance of abnormal chest radiograph reports of profusion 1/0-2/2 group of 6 cases indicated 1 case with confirmation of profusion 1/1 silicosis (0.06%) of at-risk population, and non-occupational silicosis. In conclusion, silicosis surveillance from chest radiograph reports by ILO classification pneumoconioses, and by two NIOSH reports found 1 case was confirmed 1 non-occupational profusion PP 1/1 silicosis. However, reports found 5 profusion 1/0 - 2/2 cases (0.19%) and required continuous monitoring. The study needed further monitoring to include population in silicosis-risk zone.
