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Republic Act No. 7160- Local Government Code of 1991.

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Developmental Projects in Calapan City, Philippines: Localization Perspectives

1Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology, Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines

American Journal of Educational Research. 2018, Vol. 6 No. 2, 133-136
DOI: 10.12691/education-6-2-7
Copyright © 2018 Science and Education Publishing

Cite this paper:
Christian Anthony C. Agutaya, Jesse T. Zamora. Developmental Projects in Calapan City, Philippines: Localization Perspectives. American Journal of Educational Research. 2018; 6(2):133-136. doi: 10.12691/education-6-2-7.

Correspondence to: Christian  Anthony C. Agutaya, Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology, Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. Email:


The world is a global village. Every country is facing the changes and opportunities attributed by population explosion, advancement in technology, more intense economic competitions, paradigm shifts, innovations and expanding role of civil society in social economic development. There have been many accomplishments by member countries of the said global village. The progress achieved is attributed to many factors. Discipline may be one of them. The presence of abundant natural resources may be another. Still, the presence of sound, mature and brilliant leadership from the national to the lowest political may be a decisive factor, too. At any rate, the fact stands that different countries are constantly surging ahead. Thus, the study determined the localization perspectives on developmental projects in Calapan City. Philippines. The respondents were the 62 barangay chairpersons in the city. The data from the survey instrument were analyzed using weighted mean. The study found out that the center of all economic and social developmental projects and programs were community leaders or barangay chairperson. They planned, decided, implemented and managed all economic activities. Imbued with the right attitudes, values, knowledge and skills, they could create economic miracles. The magnitude of the overwhelming tasks and leadership of barangay chairperson resulted to sustainable development that was characterized by an environment of peace, cooperation, unity, understanding, respect, equity and social justice. Dynamic barangay chairpersons were transparent, responsive and efficient who are honest, professional and competent in their objective. Their challenging job was to balance the competing demands and expectations of multi-sectoral group.
