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Max Tegmark,“Consciousness as a State of Matter”, 2015. arXiv:1401.1219v3 [quant-ph] 18 Mar 2015.

has been cited by the following article:


Role of Observer & Consciousness on Special Theory of Relativity and Its Influence on Kinetic Energy

1Visakhapatnam, India

International Journal of Physics. 2017, Vol. 5 No. 4, 99-109
DOI: 10.12691/ijp-5-4-1
Copyright © 2017 Science and Education Publishing

Cite this paper:
Siva Prasad Kodukula. Role of Observer & Consciousness on Special Theory of Relativity and Its Influence on Kinetic Energy. International Journal of Physics. 2017; 5(4):99-109. doi: 10.12691/ijp-5-4-1.

Correspondence to: Siva  Prasad Kodukula, Visakhapatnam, India. Email:


Some of the basic concepts of ‘Special Theory of Relativity’ reviewed once again and emphasized the concept of absolute velocities in this nature. Physical interpretation of these transformations introduced the ‘principle of absolute velocities’ and its relation with observed velocities has been explained. Films of the ‘Film theory of the Universe’ have been explained as ‘Inertial frames of Reference’ of ‘Special Relativity’ and emphasized the concept of ‘consciousness’ in physics. The conclusions suggested that the particle with a mass subjected to kinetic energy can be calculated by both ‘special relativity’ and ‘modified concept of relativity’ i.e ‘concept of absolute velocities’. These two are producing different results. These results can be verified in any ‘high energy laboratory’. Thus it claims for an experimental verification for kinetic energy in support of modification in ‘Special Theory of Relativity’. The observed velocity of ‘concept of absolute velocities’ should be considered for all mathematical calculations instead of relative velocity. It is concluded that the ‘Special Relativity’ is applicable for a single film of the Universe. Life or consciousness of living things must have at least two films and transformation between films generate the sensation of existence of the materialistic or physical universe. Thus this concept is very much useful for ‘physics of consciousnesses’.
