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CLP Market Assessment (2010). Market System for desi chicken/eggs-Gaibandha chars.

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Marketing of Live Poultry in Northwest of Dhaka City –A Value Chain Analysis

1Socioeconomic Research Division; Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka

2Department of Agri-business and Marketing; Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh

American Journal of Food and Nutrition. 2017, Vol. 5 No. 1, 28-40
DOI: 10.12691/ajfn-5-1-4
Copyright © 2017 Science and Education Publishing

Cite this paper:
Islam S., Begum J., Hossain M. I., Khatun M.. Marketing of Live Poultry in Northwest of Dhaka City –A Value Chain Analysis. American Journal of Food and Nutrition. 2017; 5(1):28-40. doi: 10.12691/ajfn-5-1-4.

Correspondence to: Islam  S., Socioeconomic Research Division; Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka. Email:


The poultry sub-sector contributing a lot in expediting economic growth and abating malnutrition for the people of Bangladesh. This study attempts to identify the actors involved in value chain and their functions, and to estimate the value addition of different actors in live poultry marketing; Spatial and seasonal price fluctuations of poultry also investigated by using secondary data. Primary data were collected by using pretested questionnaire from the 250 respondents distributing 150 farmers, 70 traders and 50 consumers. Tabular, graphical, simple statistics and ratio to moving average were used for reaching the objectives. The prime market actors performed marketing functions were poultry farmers, faria, beparie, wholesalers and retailers. The longer marketing channel was found for native chicken followed by broiler and sonali. The production costs per quintal of live poultry were BDT 7,300, BDT 17,063 and BDT 9,488, respectively for native chicken, sonali and broiler. The net return was found BDT 5,182, BDT 3,714 and BDT 1,123 per quintal, respectively for native, sonali and broiler. Total marketing cost of native chicken was 1.24 times higher than sonali and 1.21 times higher than broiler. In terms of net marketing margins native chickens market actors received 5.44 times higher return than broiler and 1.93 times higher return than sonali. Among the different market actors for native chicken, faria incurred highest marketing cost followed by retailer and bepari. For the sonali and broiler bird marketing, retailer incurred highest cost followed by bepari and wholesaler. Among intermediaries of poultry marketing retailers received highest net margin although they incurred second highest marketing cost. The percentages of total value addition cost and total net profit by different intermediaries for native chicken, major cost was borne by retailers and major net profit was earned by retailers. For sonali bird marketing, major cost was borne by retailers and major net profit was earned by bepari. For broiler marketing, major cost was borne by retailers and major net profit is earned by retailers. The seasonal price indices of broiler at retail level price in Dhaka Sadar and Savar market during 2010 to 2014, the price index was highest in the month of June and July and lowest in the month of November and December, respectively. In retail level the coefficient of variation of broiler is highest in Dhaka Sadar followed by Savar. It revealed that at Dhaka Sadar price risk of broiler is higher compare to Savar. The national level coefficients of variation of native chicken were found highest for medium followed by small and large size of birds. Majority of the consumers showed negative opinion in case of processed poultry meat. As live poultry marketing brought serious health diseases where near about 58% of market actors suffered different diseases. For sustainable and environment friendly poultry business need to ensure bio-security, halal method and hygienic way of poultry processing.
