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Mahmood, M. A., Burn, J. M., Gemoets, L. A., & Jacquez, C. (2000). Variables affecting information technology end-user satisfaction: a meta-analysis of the empirical literature. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 52(4), 751-771.

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Reconnaissance of University Student Sentiments towards the MIS Services

1Leyte Normal University

Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2016, Vol. 4 No. 5, 113-124
DOI: 10.12691/jbms-4-5-2
Copyright © 2016 Science and Education Publishing

Cite this paper:
Las Johansen B. Caluza. Reconnaissance of University Student Sentiments towards the MIS Services. Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2016; 4(5):113-124. doi: 10.12691/jbms-4-5-2.

Correspondence to: Las  Johansen B. Caluza, Leyte Normal University. Email:


A pragmatic understanding of a student campus life relative to the services given by the university where the Management Information Systems play a vital part in keeping all offices going during the enrollment period. Sentiments of the 173 First Year BSIT Students were carefully analyzed through text mining employing the phenomenological design in order to understand their lived experiences transacting the office. Sentiment analysis was employed using different tools such as r-programming for generating a word cloud, word association, word frequencies, word frequency graph, word tree, and phrase net. The views of the respondents revealed a negative impressions and experiences when transacting the office, which confirms the Service Gap Model theory applied in the research. These were the lack of personnels and windows to transact due to slow processing resulting to a long queue of students during the enrollment period. As a result, service is a factor to a successful management in the corporate world whether in the government institutions or business industrial institutions. Eventually, these imply the need to deliver a more systematic and easy transaction in the agency.
