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A. Ghafoor and A. Munir. “Design of an Off-grid PV system for Household Electrification”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 42(6), pp.496-502, 2015.

has been cited by the following article:


Grid Integration of Renewable Technology: A Techno-economic Assessment

1Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Centre for Satellite Technology Development, Abuja, Nigeria

2Engineering and Space Systems, National Space Research and Development Agency, Abuja, Nigeria

American Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2016, Vol. 4 No. 5, 182-190
DOI: 10.12691/ajme-4-5-3
Copyright © 2016 Science and Education Publishing

Cite this paper:
Ileberi R. Gbalimene, Adikankwu O. Henry, Timi A. Ekubo, Adenekan I. Olanrewaju. Grid Integration of Renewable Technology: A Techno-economic Assessment. American Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2016; 4(5):182-190. doi: 10.12691/ajme-4-5-3.

Correspondence to: Ileberi  R. Gbalimene, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Centre for Satellite Technology Development, Abuja, Nigeria. Email:


The present study examines the prospect of supplying renewable energy to serve the load demand of the Centre for Satellite Technology Development building (8°58'30.263" N, 7°22'34.702" E) by using the HOMER simulation tool. Meteorological data was obtained from NASA database whereas other component costs were gotten from market research and open literatures. Several configurations were considered and comparison was made based on parameters such as total net present cost (NPC), cost of energy (COE), renewable fraction (RF) and CO2 emission. According to the optimization results, it was observed that solar and wind energies could be harnessed in the built environment and that the grid-only supply system appears the most cost effective with the least NPC and COE. Moreover, the CO2 emitted during this process was found to be high (611,763 kg/yr). On the other hand, 70% RF was found when 350 kW PV, 320 kW converter and 10 NPS100C-21 wind turbines were integrated into the existing grid. This configuration was found to have sold 115,605 kWh per year of energy to the grid and reduced the CO2 emission by 78%.
