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Raymond, A. (1997). Inconsistency between a Beginning elementary School Teacher’s Mathematics Beliefs and Teaching Practices. Journal Research in Mathematics Education, 28 (5), 550-576.

has been cited by the following article:


The Impact of a Teacher Training Program on Mathematics Teaching Methodologies: Using Student-centered Learning

1AlQuds University , Department of Elementary and Kindergarten, Palestinian Territories

American Journal of Educational Research. 2016, Vol. 4 No. 14, 992-998
DOI: 10.12691/education-4-14-2
Copyright © 2016 Science and Education Publishing

Cite this paper:
Buad Khales. The Impact of a Teacher Training Program on Mathematics Teaching Methodologies: Using Student-centered Learning. American Journal of Educational Research. 2016; 4(14):992-998. doi: 10.12691/education-4-14-2.

Correspondence to: Buad  Khales, AlQuds University , Department of Elementary and Kindergarten, Palestinian Territories. Email:


This study aimed at investigating the impact of a teacher training program on mathematics teaching methodologies using student-centered learning. This study identified the teaching methods that math teachers used to implement learner-centered approach. To answer the research questions, the researcher chose a sample of ten teachers. The researcher employed several tools in order to triangulate the data to bring it to a degree of credibility. Classroom observation, videotaping, interviews and teachers' and students' reflection analysis were all used to gather the research data. The results of the study revealed that some teaching methods were used more than others and teachers attributed this to the LTD program. The program helped them choose suitable methods that could match their students' different learning styles and different learning interests. The study results also showed the satisfaction of most of the students on the teaching methods used by teachers.
