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Shweder, R., & Bourne, E. (1982). Does the Concept of the Person Vary Cross-Culturally? In A. Marsella & G. White (Eds.), Cultural Conceptions of Mental Health and Therapy SE - 4 (Vol. 4, pp. 97-137). Springer Netherlands.

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Enhancing Social Media Experience by Usage of User-Defined Nicknames as Additional Identifiers for Online Interaction

1Department of Information Technology, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India

Journal of Computer Sciences and Applications. 2016, Vol. 4 No. 1, 1-8
DOI: 10.12691/jcsa-4-1-1
Copyright © 2016 Science and Education Publishing

Cite this paper:
Akshay Aggarwal. Enhancing Social Media Experience by Usage of User-Defined Nicknames as Additional Identifiers for Online Interaction. Journal of Computer Sciences and Applications. 2016; 4(1):1-8. doi: 10.12691/jcsa-4-1-1.

Correspondence to: Akshay  Aggarwal, Department of Information Technology, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India. Email:


Recent years have seen the rise of various social media platforms that allow for content sharing and social networking. Though some social media platforms allow identifying group tags or channel tagging using ‘@’ or ‘#’ symbols respectively, there has been, however, a lack of user customization in the field since a user has to remember a person by the name they give on their social media during sign up. In this paper, we seek to propose an alternative basis by which users would be able to save and then search for their friends by the names with which they identify them in real life (nicknames). We also discuss how the proposed system can be used in chat systems for identifying users and while tagging friends using the similar concept of ‘@’ symbol, as they find application on social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
