4 results for social class.

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Keyword    social class

Open AccessArticle
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Education and Income Distribution in Nigeria
World Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 2019, 5(1), 31-35. DOI: 10.12691/wjssh-5-1-5
Pub. Date: March 25, 2019Views: 8112Downloads: 6762
Open AccessResearch Article
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The Expenditures on Higher Education in Times of Crisis. Analysis of the Behavior of the Family Investment According to Social Class in the European Union
American Journal of Educational Research. 2015, 3(12A), 11-16. DOI: 10.12691/education-3-12A-2
Pub. Date: January 28, 2016Views: 23677Downloads: 22205
Open AccessReview Article
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Social Inclusion and Equity in Modern Information and Knowledge Societies
Journal of Sociology and Anthropology. 2018, 2(1), 9-13. DOI: 10.12691/jsa-2-1-2
Pub. Date: February 05, 2018Views: 10182Downloads: 7859
Open AccessArticle
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The Variability in the Generation, Disposal and Recycling of Mobile Phone E-waste According to Social Classes in Lang’ata Area, Nairobi, Kenya
Journal of Environment Pollution and Human Health. 2016, 4(2), 42-51. DOI: 10.12691/jephh-4-2-2
Pub. Date: June 22, 2016Views: 23753Downloads: 21592
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