5 results for resin composite.

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Keyword    resin composite

Open AccessArticle
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Influence of Energy and Soft Drinks on the Surface and Mechanical Properties of Nanofilled Composite Resin
International Journal of Dental Sciences and Research. 2019, 7(2), 44-48. DOI: 10.12691/ijdsr-7-2-4
Pub. Date: October 17, 2019Views: 10758Downloads: 11139
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Open AccessArticle
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Effect of Laser Conditioning and Different Adhesive Strategies on Bond Strength of a Bulk Fill and a Microhybrid Resin Composite
International Journal of Dental Sciences and Research. 2018, 6(5), 124-128. DOI: 10.12691/ijdsr-6-5-3
Pub. Date: August 14, 2018Views: 10816Downloads: 10447
Open AccessArticle
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Preparation and Characterization of Clay/Urea Formaldehyde Resin Composites
Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 2021, 9(3), 356-367. DOI: 10.12691/aees-9-3-6
Pub. Date: March 22, 2021Views: 9014Downloads: 10096
Open AccessArticle
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Fracture Resistance of Laminate Veneers Made with Different Cutting and Preparation Techniques
International Journal of Dental Sciences and Research. 2016, 4(3), 42-48. DOI: 10.12691/ijdsr-4-3-3
Pub. Date: April 25, 2016Views: 16836Downloads: 13525
Open AccessArticle
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Predictability of the Impact Strength of CaCO3-Epoxy Resin Composite Based on CaCO3 Input Concentration and Sustained Stress at Impact
International Journal of Materials Lifetime. 2015, 2(1), 6-12. DOI: 10.12691/ijml-2-1-2
Pub. Date: June 24, 2015Views: 25363Downloads: 23797
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