3 results for price elasticity.

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Keyword    price elasticity

Open AccessArticle
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Analyses of Aggregate Food Demand in the United States
American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2020, 8(2), 75-80. DOI: 10.12691/ajfst-8-2-6
Pub. Date: April 21, 2020Views: 5292Downloads: 6641
Open AccessArticle
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An Economic Study to Estimate the Ideal Demand for Meat in Egypt
Journal of Behavioural Economics, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Accounting and Transport. 2019, 7(1), 10-16. DOI: 10.12691/jbe-7-1-2
Pub. Date: December 26, 2019Views: 5022Downloads: 5230
Open AccessArticle
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Food Security Implications of Protein Demand of Underutilised Indigenous Vegetables Farming Households in Southwestern Nigeria
Journal of Food Security. 2019, 7(5), 183-191. DOI: 10.12691/jfs-7-5-5
Pub. Date: November 18, 2019Views: 8847Downloads: 8300
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