734 results for nigeria.

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The Effect of Capital Flight on Economic Growth in Nigeria
International Journal of Business and Risk Management. 2021, 4(1), 19-24. DOI: 10.12691/ijbrm-4-1-3
Pub. Date: September 25, 2021Views: 3383Downloads: 5809
Open AccessArticle
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Board Diversity and Earnings Quality of Listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria
Journal of Finance and Accounting. 2021, 9(1), 11-31. DOI: 10.12691/jfa-9-1-2
Pub. Date: April 14, 2021Views: 4834Downloads: 6984
Open AccessArticle
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Occurrence and Distribution of Fungal Isolates from Sputum, Ears and Nose Samples of Poultry Farm Workers in Anambra State, Nigeria
American Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology. 2020, 8(4), 139-145. DOI: 10.12691/ajidm-8-4-4
Pub. Date: December 07, 2020Views: 5137Downloads: 7064
Open AccessArticle
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Out of School Children: Enhancing Factors and Consequences for Sustainable Development in North Central Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria
American Journal of Educational Research. 2020, 8(10), 804-811. DOI: 10.12691/education-8-10-10
Pub. Date: October 30, 2020Views: 6829Downloads: 6352
Open AccessArticle
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Changing Pattern of Rainfall Amount and Raindays in Samaru, Northern Nigeria and Their Implications on Crop Production
World Journal of Agricultural Research. 2020, 8(4), 134-141. DOI: 10.12691/wjar-8-4-5
Pub. Date: October 14, 2020Views: 6390Downloads: 7887
Open AccessArticle
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Effect of Health Education on the Knowledge, Attitude and Involvement by Male Partners in Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness in Rural Communities of Sokoto State, Nigeria
American Journal of Public Health Research. 2020, 8(5), 163-175. DOI: 10.12691/ajphr-8-5-5
Pub. Date: September 15, 2020Views: 5837Downloads: 7345
Open AccessArticle
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Multivariate Time Series Analysis to Impact Assessment of Nominal Economic Indicators on Federal Government Revenue and Economic Growth in Nigeria
American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 2020, 8(3), 69-89. DOI: 10.12691/ajams-8-3-1
Pub. Date: August 24, 2020Views: 8142Downloads: 9670
Open AccessArticle
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Seasonal Assessment of the Physico-Chemical Properties of Groundwater in Some Villages Around an Iron and Steel Recycling Industry in Southwestern Nigeria
American Journal of Water Resources. 2020, 8(4), 164-172. DOI: 10.12691/ajwr-8-4-2
Pub. Date: July 28, 2020Views: 4932Downloads: 6476
Open AccessArticle
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Pattern and Trends of Respiratory Disease: A Six Year Review of Ambulatory Services in a Tertiary Hospital in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
American Journal of Medical Sciences and Medicine. 2020, 8(2), 39-45. DOI: 10.12691/ajmsm-8-2-1
Pub. Date: April 22, 2020Views: 6199Downloads: 7380
Open AccessArticle
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Prevalence of Hypertension in Glaucoma Patients Attending Eye Clinics in Two Teaching Hospitals in Enugu State Nigeria: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study
American Journal of Medicine Studies. 2020, 8(1), 1-5. DOI: 10.12691/ajms-8-1-1
Pub. Date: April 04, 2020Views: 6686Downloads: 8461
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