6 results for mismatch.

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Keyword    mismatch

Open AccessArticle
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Social Media to the Rescue: PK-12 Teachers’ Mental Health during a Pandemic
American Journal of Educational Research. 2020, 8(10), 767-771. DOI: 10.12691/education-8-10-5
Pub. Date: October 14, 2020Views: 5182Downloads: 6907
Open AccessArticle
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Pear Formula for Respiratory Care
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2020, 8(3), 155-159. DOI: 10.12691/jfnr-8-3-6
Pub. Date: March 28, 2020Views: 7923Downloads: 8123
Figure of 4
Open AccessArticle
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Urban Fire Incidence and Planning Responses at the Bamenda Central Market, North West Region of Cameroon
Journal of City and Development. 2024, 6(1), 16-23. DOI: 10.12691/jcd-6-1-2
Pub. Date: April 18, 2024Views: 1206Downloads: 1358
Open AccessArticle
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Alignments and Mismatches of Policies on Children with Learning Difficulties/Disabilities to Professional Practice Expectations in Zimbabwe: A Reality Check
American Journal of Educational Research. 2021, 9(8), 465-471. DOI: 10.12691/education-9-8-1
Pub. Date: August 04, 2021Views: 3617Downloads: 4069
Open AccessArticle
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Significance of Dna Mismatch Repair Genes and Microsatellite Instability in Colorectal Carcinoma in Ibadan, Nigeria
American Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 2013, 1(4), 145-148. DOI: 10.12691/ajmbr-1-4-7
Pub. Date: December 09, 2013Views: 20770Downloads: 15832Citations: 4
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Open AccessArticle
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Skills Mismatch and Dearth of Vocational Education in the Nigerian Labour Market: A Cog in the Wheels of National Development
American Journal of Educational Research. 2020, 8(3), 173-181. DOI: 10.12691/education-8-3-8
Pub. Date: March 27, 2020Views: 6043Downloads: 5935
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