7 results for learning management system.

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Keyword    learning management system

Open AccessArticle
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Students’ Online Learning Readiness and Internet Connectivity: Bases for the Customization of QSU e-Aral
American Journal of Educational Research. 2020, 8(11), 878-884. DOI: 10.12691/education-8-11-8
Pub. Date: November 30, 2020Views: 5536Downloads: 5405
Open AccessArticle
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Virtual Learning and Readiness of Tutors of Colleges of Education in Ghana
American Journal of Educational Research. 2020, 8(9), 653-658. DOI: 10.12691/education-8-9-6
Pub. Date: September 14, 2020Views: 4335Downloads: 4759
Open AccessArticle
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Students’ Learning Management System in Some Universities of Education in Vietnam: Facts and Solutions
American Journal of Educational Research. 2018, 6(7), 1009-1015. DOI: 10.12691/education-6-7-18
Pub. Date: July 18, 2018Views: 10342Downloads: 9112
Open AccessArticle
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Satisfaction of Students in the Methods Used in Mathematics in the Modern World in a New Normal
American Journal of Educational Research. 2023, 11(3), 144-150. DOI: 10.12691/education-11-3-7
Pub. Date: March 15, 2023Views: 2615Downloads: 2140
Open AccessArticle
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Implementation of Project Based Learning by SolidWorks Application in Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
American Journal of Educational Research. 2021, 9(7), 431-434. DOI: 10.12691/education-9-7-6
Pub. Date: July 07, 2021Views: 3781Downloads: 4423
Open AccessArticle
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Efficacy of Open-Source Learning Management Systems in Developing the Teaching Skills of English Language Student Teachers
American Journal of Educational Research. 2016, 4(4), 329-337. DOI: 10.12691/education-4-4-6
Pub. Date: March 30, 2016Views: 24156Downloads: 21749
Open AccessArticle
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Decision Support System Using for Learning Management Systems Personalization
American Journal of Systems and Software. 2014, 2(5), 131-138. DOI: 10.12691/ajss-2-5-4
Pub. Date: December 03, 2014Views: 19066Downloads: 14969Citations: 1
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