3 results for and critical thinking skills.

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Keyword    and critical thinking skills

Open AccessArticle
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Argument-Driven Inquiry with Scaffolding as the Development Strategies of Argumentation and Critical Thinking Skills of Students in Lampung, Indonesia
American Journal of Educational Research. 2015, 3(9), 1185-1192. DOI: 10.12691/education-3-9-20
Pub. Date: September 20, 2015Views: 23484Downloads: 20071
Open AccessArticle
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Enhancing Students’ Mathematical Resilience and Critical Thinking Skills Using e-Modules via Process-Oriented-Guided-Inquiry-Learning Approach
American Journal of Educational Research. 2023, 11(5), 287-296. DOI: 10.12691/education-11-5-6
Pub. Date: May 17, 2023Views: 1563Downloads: 1475
Open AccessArticle
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Learning Strategy Equalizing Students’ Achievement, Metacognitive, and Critical Thinking Skills
American Journal of Educational Research. 2014, 2(8), 577-584. DOI: 10.12691/education-2-8-3
Pub. Date: July 28, 2014Views: 39150Downloads: 32574
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