3 results for Tamer M. Soliman.

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Keyword    Tamer M. Soliman

Open AccessArticle
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Zamzam Water is Pathogen-free, Cardioprotective and Tissue-protective: Relieving the BBC Concerns
American Journal of Clinical Medicine Research. 2020, 8(1), 5-12. DOI: 10.12691/ajcmr-8-1-2
Pub. Date: February 20, 2020Views: 8633Downloads: 9645
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Open AccessArticle
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Glioma Spheroid Cells (3D Tumor Models) Are Less Responsive to 3-Bromopyruvate than Cultured Cells: Lack of Tumors Eradication
American Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2019, 7(1), 10-14. DOI: 10.12691/ajcp-7-1-2
Pub. Date: October 10, 2019Views: 8879Downloads: 12148
Open AccessArticle
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Pharmacological Double Inhibition of Glycolysis in glioblastoma Multiforme Cells Maximizes Cancer Cell Killing: A Synergism between Citrate and 3-bromopyruvate
American Journal of Pharmacological Sciences. 2020, 8(1), 1-6. DOI: 10.12691/ajps-8-1-1
Pub. Date: January 20, 2020Views: 5725Downloads: 6556
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