5 results for Microbial load.

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Keyword    Microbial load

Open AccessArticle
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Studies on Seasonal Variation and Effect of Heavy Metal Pollution on Microbial Load of Marine Sediment
American Journal of Marine Science. 2016, 4(1), 4-10. DOI: 10.12691/marine-4-1-2
Pub. Date: April 15, 2016Views: 23565Downloads: 21004Citations: 1
Open AccessArticle
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Occurrence of Microbial Loads in Smoked Fishes Marketed in the Lakeside Village of Guezin (Southern Benin) and Associated Microbiological Hazards
American Journal of Microbiological Research. 2018, 6(5), 187-190. DOI: 10.12691/ajmr-6-5-1
Pub. Date: December 03, 2018Views: 9951Downloads: 9290
Open AccessArticle
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Water Quality of River Narmada at Gwari Ghat Jabalpur (M.P., India) in Terms of Microbial Load, Drug Resistance and Potability
Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology. 2018, 6(1), 25-29. DOI: 10.12691/jaem-6-1-4
Pub. Date: March 24, 2018Views: 13310Downloads: 11894
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Open AccessArticle
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Microbiological and Sensory Profile of Soymilk Based Juice Treated with Liquid Extract of A. Danielli
American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2014, 2(5), 145-149. DOI: 10.12691/ajfst-2-5-2
Pub. Date: October 15, 2014Views: 19736Downloads: 14945
Open AccessArticle
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Quality Assessment of Formulated Table Wine from Blends of Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola) and Peter Mango (Mangifera indica) Fruits
American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2020, 8(5), 211-225. DOI: 10.12691/ajfst-8-5-6
Pub. Date: October 23, 2020Views: 4816Downloads: 6337
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