3 results for Garcinia kola.

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Keyword    Garcinia kola

Open AccessArticle
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Effects of Garcinia Kola Powder Consumption on Induced Hypertension in Male Rats
American Journal of Pharmacological Sciences. 2023, 11(2), 49-56. DOI: 10.12691/ajps-11-2-4
Pub. Date: December 27, 2023Views: 2092Downloads: 3283
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Open AccessArticle
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Shelf-Life Extension of Fresh Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Roots by Starch Gel Coating and Edible Materials
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2023, 11(10), 621-629. DOI: 10.12691/jfnr-11-10-3
Pub. Date: October 24, 2023Views: 1812Downloads: 2100
Open AccessArticle
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Preservation of Mangoes (Mangifera Indica L. Variety "Kent") by Edible Coating Based Cassava Starch, Coconut Microfiber and Garcinia Kola Oil
American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2023, 11(4), 141-149. DOI: 10.12691/ajfst-11-4-3
Pub. Date: October 12, 2023Views: 1886Downloads: 2307
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