7 results for Achim Habekost.

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Keyword    Achim Habekost

Open AccessArticle
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In-situ Surface Enhanced Electrochemical Chemiluminescence and Raman Scattering with Screen-printed Gold- and Silver-Electrodes
World Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 10(1), 23-37. DOI: 10.12691/wjce-10-1-4
Pub. Date: February 11, 2022Views: 11278Downloads: 14377
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Open AccessArticle
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Fundamentals and Applications of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy - A Didactic Perspective
World Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 9(1), 14-21. DOI: 10.12691/wjce-9-1-3
Pub. Date: December 27, 2020Views: 10916Downloads: 12399
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Open AccessArticle
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Monitoring pH Using Alizarin-modified Commercial Screen-printed Electrodes
World Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 8(4), 163-169. DOI: 10.12691/wjce-8-4-4
Pub. Date: October 19, 2020Views: 7281Downloads: 9825
Open AccessArticle
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Simulation and Fitting of Cyclic Voltammetry and Chronoamperometry Curves of Electrochemical Reactions with Different Mechanisms — A Didactic Perspective
World Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 7(2), 53-64. DOI: 10.12691/wjce-7-2-4
Pub. Date: April 11, 2019Views: 25575Downloads: 24047
Open AccessArticle
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The Analgesic Metamizol (Dipyrone). Part 2: Adsorption, Oxidative and Reductive Degradation
World Journal of Chemical Education. 2018, 6(5), 204-211. DOI: 10.12691/wjce-6-5-1
Pub. Date: October 15, 2018Views: 16139Downloads: 15969
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Open AccessArticle
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The Analgesic Metamizole (Dipyrone) and Its Related Products Antipyrine, 4-Aminoantipyrine and 4-Methylaminoantipyrine. Part 1: Mass Spectrometric and Electrochemical Detection
World Journal of Chemical Education. 2018, 6(3), 134-144. DOI: 10.12691/wjce-6-3-6
Pub. Date: July 11, 2018Views: 19801Downloads: 18723
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Open AccessArticle
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Spectroelectrochemistry of Electrochromic and Electroluminescent Substances with Screen-Printed Electrodes and with an Optically Transparent Platinum Mesh Electrode
World Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 8(2), 71-86. DOI: 10.12691/wjce-8-2-3
Pub. Date: April 01, 2020Views: 10132Downloads: 13259
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