8 results for qualitative research.

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Keyword     qualitative research

Open AccessArticle
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From Protocolization of Care to Nursing Care Practice: A Qualitative Research
American Journal of Nursing Research. 2021, 9(1), 15-19. DOI: 10.12691/ajnr-9-1-3
Pub. Date: November 26, 2020Views: 4260Downloads: 6156
Open AccessLiterature Review
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Qualitative Research and Subjective Impressions in Educational Contexts
American Journal of Educational Research. 2017, 5(12), 1228-1233. DOI: 10.12691/education-5-12-10
Pub. Date: December 29, 2017Views: 16367Downloads: 9684
Open AccessArticle
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Coeliac Disease in Later Life: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis
International Journal of Celiac Disease. 2017, 5(4), 140-149. DOI: 10.12691/ijcd-5-4-2
Pub. Date: November 24, 2017Views: 14419Downloads: 13537
Open AccessArticle
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Reconnaissance of University Student Sentiments towards the MIS Services
Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2016, 4(5), 113-124. DOI: 10.12691/jbms-4-5-2
Pub. Date: November 14, 2016Views: 29557Downloads: 27925
Figure of 12
Open AccessArticle
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Perspectives on Modes of Eating and Its Impact on Health in a Methodological Comparison
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2021, 9(7), 367-374. DOI: 10.12691/jfnr-9-7-7
Pub. Date: July 14, 2021Views: 3440Downloads: 3985
Open AccessArticle
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Using DAST-C and Phenomenography as a Tool for Evaluating Children’s Experience
American Journal of Educational Research. 2015, 3(11), 1337-1345. DOI: 10.12691/education-3-11-1
Pub. Date: October 27, 2015Views: 25977Downloads: 23785
Open AccessArticle
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Internationalizing Education: Critical Qualitative Case Studies in Social Education
American Journal of Educational Research. 2015, 3(2), 211-219. DOI: 10.12691/education-3-2-15
Pub. Date: February 17, 2015Views: 14272Downloads: 11386
Open AccessArticle
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Emotional Consequences of Persistently Elevated PSA with Negative Prostate Biopsies
American Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2013, 1(1), 4-8. DOI: 10.12691/ajcp-1-1-2
Pub. Date: March 04, 2013Views: 22482Downloads: 14231
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