30 results for buildings.

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Open AccessReview Article
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Variable Refrigerant Flow in Air Conditioning of Buildings: System Configuration and Energy Efficiency
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture. 2021, 9(2), 42-51. DOI: 10.12691/ajcea-9-2-1
Pub. Date: April 29, 2021Views: 12551Downloads: 13689
Open AccessArticle
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A Study of Planning, Design and Construction of Buildings in Hilly Regions of India
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture. 2021, 9(1), 13-22. DOI: 10.12691/ajcea-9-1-3
Pub. Date: February 03, 2021Views: 15442Downloads: 13852
Open AccessArticle
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Categorization of Buildings Based on the Relative Effect of Lateral & Vertical Forces with Change in Height
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture. 2020, 8(1), 19-24. DOI: 10.12691/ajcea-8-1-3
Pub. Date: February 18, 2020Views: 9470Downloads: 10083
Open AccessArticle
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Thermal Comfort in air-conditioned Campus Buildings in Kuwait
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture. 2020, 8(1), 12-18. DOI: 10.12691/ajcea-8-1-2
Pub. Date: January 28, 2020Views: 13216Downloads: 14230
Open AccessArticle
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Comparison between Ottoman Buildings inside and outside the Borders of Turkey
Journal of Sociology and Anthropology. 2018, 2(2), 59-68. DOI: 10.12691/jsa-2-2-4
Pub. Date: October 07, 2018Views: 15299Downloads: 14628
Open AccessArticle
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Application of Optical Fibers in Residential Buildings
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture. 2018, 6(4), 168-171. DOI: 10.12691/ajcea-6-4-6
Pub. Date: April 27, 2018Views: 14349Downloads: 13359
Open AccessArticle
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Analysis of Damage Incurred in Nine Months and Investigating Restoration Methods of Old Buildings in the Historic Texture of Tabriz Bazaar (Case Study: Shahidi-Rasta-Bazari)
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture. 2017, 5(6), 225-236. DOI: 10.12691/ajcea-5-6-2
Pub. Date: December 21, 2017Views: 42742Downloads: 41821
Figure of 46
Open AccessArticle
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Indoor Environmental Quality in Air-conditioned Mosque Buildings in Kuwait
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture. 2017, 5(4), 167-173. DOI: 10.12691/ajcea-5-4-5
Pub. Date: October 07, 2017Views: 14596Downloads: 13058
Open AccessCommentary
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Changing Shopping Spaces in Istanbul
World Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 2017, 3(3), 56-60. DOI: 10.12691/wjssh-3-3-1
Pub. Date: July 12, 2017Views: 18271Downloads: 16230
Figure of 7
Open AccessArticle
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Effects of Faulty Design Phase on School Buildings Maintenance in Gaza Strip
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture. 2016, 4(6), 199-210. DOI: 10.12691/ajcea-4-6-2
Pub. Date: November 14, 2016Views: 23747Downloads: 21360
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